The winery is located in Briñas, 2 km from Haro, in one of the areas with the greatest wine-making tradition in La Rioja, located on a hill surrounded by the Ebro River, at the foot of the Sierra Cantabria and from which we enjoy beautiful Views of the Montes Obarenes, the Conchas de Haro and the Riscos de Bilibio. We enjoy a unique microclimate, ideal for growing vines, caused by the influence of the mountains to the north and the Ebro river to the south.

The harvest plays a decisive role in the process of making these great wines. Therefore, the obsession with quality in Tobelos, Bodegas y Viñedos, begins at the moment of harvesting. The vineyards are located on land around the winery, where a traditional viticulture of small plots has been practiced, with manual green pruning: long, bare, with manual harvest. Once the tasting and analysis of each plot has been carried out, we will set the harvest of each place at its optimum moment of maturity. For the production we play with stainless steel, concrete and wood (4,000l. Casks, 500l. Barrels and also 225l.) The concrete storage tanks preserve the wine by thermally insulating it with their thick walls and avoiding Electrostatic charges, favoring the clarification and stabilization of the wine