Terms and conditions

Nature of the contract

Under this contract Marco Ricci Y2309275-C, calle La Golondrina 2, casa 69, El Palm-Mar, 38632, Arona, (hereinafter “WINETIME”) sales to the customer (any natural or legal person who underwrites any purchasing contract from its catalogue) and the customer purchases to PAMIASA the product specified in the commercial invoice. For the purpose of this trade the term “Contract” refers tothe transaction that puts into effect this document. The term “Product” refers to the goods subject of the Contract.
All the Product Purchase Orders accepted by WINETIME are so in agreement with the following General Service Terms and Conditions, which will be a part of the contract ofsale. Acceptance of the products entails the acceptance of these General Service Terms and Conditions.

Price Policy and Availability

WINETIME reserves the right to modify the Price of the products and services offered through their website at any moment and unilaterally. In order to guarantee to the customer the certainty and truthfulness of the Price at the moment of placing the order, the prevailing Price would be the one shown on the publicity at that moment. The final price or retail price of the product sold is clearly presented as the customer final cost including IGIC (if applicable), shipping costs, insurance charges and delivery fees. Final cost, hence, will be notified to customer during the electronic purchasing process before the acceptance is formalized by clicking on “acceptance of the order”.Possible discounts and or promotional gifts will be voluntarily directed by WINETIME to designated groups at any moment or according to the offered product, in relationship with the existing advertisement in the website.
No responsibility or liability is assumed by WINETIME for any typographical, technical, arithmetic or other inaccuracies which may appear in the website
Information on the offered product to customer includes all the technical features, description, manufacture’s trademark and guidance photography.
WINETIME does not guarantee the complete availability of all the products in the catalogue at the time of purchase. In the event that the product is out of stock or there is avintage change, WINETIME will contact customer at the earliest opportunity to inform about the delay or changes and reach an agreement.

Acceptance of the order

At the moment of formalizing an order, once the “Acceptance of the order” has been clicked, it is understood that customer has agreed on the validity and effectiveness of the salecontract which binds both parties. WINETIME will store electronically the order, typing errors excepted, in which case the order will not be processed.
After the acceptance of the order, WINETIME will inform customer sending an order confirmation together with the General Service Terms and Conditions to the e-mailindicated by the customer.
The sale and delivery commitment from WINETIME is subject to the advertised product stock and its availability until the end of stock, therefore WINETIME, followingits commitment of quality and service to customer, will strive to have all the advertised products in stock at all times. Nevertheless, under exceptional circumstances as abusiveorder, multiple interactive order or any other that might lead to stock rupture, the order and the concluded contract between the parts shall cease to have effect by virtue of the present cancellation clause, restoring entirely the eventually prepaid quantities to customer


Returns and order cancellations


The products marketed through this website have the guarantees offered by their producers. In those incidents that justify the use of the guarantee, the repair, replacement of the item, reduction or return will be chosen, in the legally established terms. Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of November 16 grants goods of a durable nature a legal guarantee of 2 years from the date of delivery. The consumer and user must inform the seller of the lack of conformity within two months from when he became aware of it.

The buyer will have in any case a period of fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of the Product to exercise their right of withdrawal without having to justify reasons or have any sanction. In accordance with article 102.d) of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, not being applicable the supply of goods that may deteriorate or expire quickly, so the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised on bottles that have been opened, for example, due to the rapid deterioration of the content in such cases. The buyer must express his intention to withdraw within the indicated period and must proceed to return the product. The User may send an email to the address info@pamicasa.es, including his name and address, as well as the number of his order. WINETIME will reimburse the sums paid by the User without withholding expenses. However, the cost of returning the product will be borne by the User.

Once the products on which the withdrawal falls have been received and their correct status has been verified, WINETIME will return the amounts paid to the User within a maximum period of 10 calendar days. Products that do not retain their original packaging may suffer depreciation.

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