A few kilometres from Castiglione della Pescaia, in a slightly elevated position with respect to the area that was once occupied by Lake Prile, is La Tenuta La Badiola, now owned by the Terra Moretti Group. It was the residence of the Grand Duke of Tuscany Leopoldo II who, with far-sighted intuition, thought of transforming it into an exemplary agricultural pole. A brilliant choice that, contextualized in mid-nineteenth century Italy, represented a true model of innovative agricultural system.

There are currently 500 hectares that make up the Estate, within which the variety and biodiversity of the Maremma landscape is expressed, with flat areas, slopes and hills occupied by vineyards, olive groves, woods and Mediterranean maquis.

In this harmonious dialogue, between nature and man's work, the source of the Acquagiusta, an underground spring that flows naturally from the rock, has always played a primary role. It is since the times of Leopoldo II that this "magical" and perennial source gives life and fertility to the lands and inhabitants of the Estate. To such an extent that, we can say, the scenery, the richness and luxuriance of nature of that time, have become over time a vision, a sort of stimulus, a virtuous example to animate the current project of Tenuta La Badiola.

Therefore, water, paradoxically, as the source of inspiration for an oenological project. But, even more so, a spring, that of Acquagiusta, as an ideal, even symbolic reference point for the idea of all Tenuta La Badiola's wines. The wines of Acquagiusta, therefore, as children of a spring and a territory, inspired by the genius loci, shaped by wind and sun, marked by the earth and time.

A wine-growing and wine-producing project born from the respect of an "agricultural knowledge" of the past, with the bet to give back identity to crops, such as the vine, long neglected in this magnificent and unique area of Italy, the Tuscan Maremma.