A new and fundamental step in the long journey of the Cantina Chiarli winery: in 2000 - 140 years after its foundation - the Chiarli brothers brought their dream to life by creating a wine-making facility which strives for an uncompromising perfection.

It has all the potential: extraordinary grapes, a fifth generation which is both numerous and ready to take on new challenges, and a location rooted in a wonderful history and surrounded by 50 hectares of vineyards. Therefore, inside the buildings of the Villa Cialdini estate, a very modern winery was created, where the most advanced technology and the sole use own estate individual varieties produce superlative wines from Sorbara, Grasparossa and Pignoletto grapes.

Soon after Cleto Chiarli winery obtained major acclamation and appreciation from the wine world together with recognition from wine experts including a ranking in Wine Spectator's “Top 100 wines of the year”, the modern equivalent of the Mention Honorable of 1900. The wines’ range quickly saw the addition of new sparkling wines (frizzante and spumante), which are always made entirely from Lambrusco and Pignoletto grapes and dedicated to the national and international HORECA world.

But there were other plans in the pipeline and another step forward was taken in 2010.

Using the grapes from the Sozzigalli estate, the winery decided to challenge the traditional method and demonstrate that the Sorbara variety has extraordinary qualities for obtaining sparkling wines with an unparalleled balance of fruitiness and finesse.